Stephanie Waddle
Head of MODE
I live just outside of Seattle, WA and work at XCM for the past 5 years at Amazon to manage our in house media strategy and buying teams as well as data operations for measurement and reporting platforms within a newer group within XCM called MODE. Previous to working at Amazon, I have worked in media for 20 years, 13 of which were in Los Angeles at Palisades and Deutsch LA so I have a deep appreciation of ThinkLA. When I moved to Seattle, I missed ThinkLA so much, I helped create ThinkNW in the Portland/Seattle region and love the collaboration across the two ad groups on the west coast which is why I wanted to participate on this panel, to embrace West Coast talent and opportunity. Outside of work, I enjoy reading, playing games and being outside with my kids (Henry, age 9, Rose age 12) and husband Ben.